development of a Humidity and Temperature Measurement Wireless Equipment (HTMWE) using PCB-made capacitive humidity sensors from a previous investigation
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development of a Humidity and Temperature Measurement Wireless Equipment (HTMWE) using PCB-made capacitive humidity sensors from a previous investigation
PCB Christmas Tree with 16 LEDs of 4 different colors powered by a 9V battery also used as a stand developed as a private Embeto Electronics project
bridge between LAN and GSM developed to work as a slave around a server PC sending via SMS or email alerts about unlikely to happen but fatal events
smart cane for visually impaired people transmitting haptically direction guidance to its user, with a panic button included for rapid calls developed for FaTHER
single-board microcontroller development kit based on Atmega 328P with on-board USB connection, voltage regulator and pre-loaded Arduino Nano bootloader
signal generator with multiple waveforms, variable amplitude and offset and a frequency output up to 200 kHz enclosed in a 3D printed case
retro slither game with a high-speed option, non-volatile function for storing high-scores and a Li-Po battery with 10 LEDs level indicator